Flight to Mattawa. Pictures courtesy of Nico Anello.

This week (Aug 22-2023) SloBird fly out to Mattawa, Deep River, Pembroke. 3 aircraft departed YYB.

Picked up Stu Noble
, over Mattawa, and proceeded to Deep River - where we landed. Ron reminisced about landings at this strip when he was taking lessons out of Pembroke in 1970. Grass strip in excellent condition and there is lots of activity at this grass roots airport. Grant stayed behind at Deep River to film our departure.
Then on to Pembroke where we socialized over our box lunches in the terminal. After fuelling up with cheapest fuel in the area, it was off again for the trip back to Mattawa and then North Bay.
It was a perfect flying day with calm air and perfect temp.
4 tail draggers, Grant Bailey.- champ, Al Rivet - Wagabond, Stu Noble - Luten Major and Cookes - Vagabond
Aug 1st was a beautiful day for the SloBirds 2nd flyout of the summer (last week we went to Parry Sound to land on their newly opened runway & to have a delicious lunch at the Airport Cafe). Todays trip plan was depart North Bay - direct to Mattawa CMA2, South River CPE6, Emsdale CMA4 and back to North Bay for lunch at Flight Deck Cafe.
Aircraft participating in todays flight - Grant Bailey Champ, Al Rivet Wagabond, Ron,Carol Cooke PA15Vagabond. All aircraft have similar speed so they fly nicely together. Champ took the lead, and Vagabond & Wagabond were loosely formed up on Lt & Rt flank. It was a nice calm day for flying. When we got to Mattawa - Mark Wilkins and Gerry Thomas came out to visit, and joined the SloBirds group (in C182) as lookout & scout. Gerry particularly enjoyed the stop at Emsdale as he took his ppl training at that strip. We ended up back at YYB at 2 00 pm and enjoyed a great lunch at Flight Deck Cafe. Then we enjoyed a Tower Tour - with thanks to Marc Kuzyk (tower supervisor) who conveniently happened to be on duty yesterday
MIDLAND Fly-In , September 2020

Moment before departure at CYYB

Cruising along; Ron & Carol , Bill Carswell (C-170)

Thanks Bonnie Rae for the pictures
Wheel landing proficiency 2019
WHEEL LANDINGS - briefing at 10AM at Cookes hangar. We called it the “Apron 3 contestants” as all a/c (except Mattawa) are hangared on apron 3. Bill Carswell set the rules, - all 3 landings would count. “The touchdown target is the inset threshold, 1,000 feet past the end of the runway. Any landing prior to the target +500 points. Landings beyond the touchdown zone are measured in feet and points added (i.e. 100 feet = 100 points). Landings within the touchdown zone are marked Bulls Eye and are awarded zero points. The goal is to have minimum points; a perfect score would be 3 landings in the touchdown zone, and would result in zero points”.
Mark Wilkins (C-182) won last year, so he was not allowed to officially participate this year, but he flew the landings for practice. In fact Mark had 2 “bulls eye” (and one +10 ft), but he has to wait till next year to get another award!
Honorable mention goes to Ron Miller (PA18), who had 2 picture perfect landings - with perfect approach, and touch down. Grant Bailey (C-150) had 2 “bulls eyes”. Tom Fraser (Citabria) had 1 “bulls eye” and 1 close, but all 3 had a less than desirable 3 rd landing. This years award goes to Ron Cooke (C-182) who was the most consistent with 2 “bulls eye” and +25 ft. (Tower advised he should be allowed a handicap on 3rd landing due to gusty crosswind that came from nowhere).

South River Fly-in / Drive-in - May 11,2019.

I would like to take a moment to congratulate the SRFC on another highly successful Fly-In. I measure the success mainly in the enjoyment everyone had plus the exposure to the airport. I had to leave at 1:00pm but at that point, we had 33 fixed wing planes land (one float plane) and one rotary wing craft. We served 77 breakfasts, with 29 PIC receiving complimentary breakfasts... Gary Blanchett
I would also like to thank all that came and helped to support CPE6. All the folks from North Bay and local and non local pilots and walk-ins as well. The event was a great success with lots of familiar faces and some new ones. I wish I had more time to talk with everyone but with such a crowd it is difficult.
As a side note, we sold so much more fuel than expected that we almost ran the tanks dry.
Cheers to all and I hope to see you again this summer... Dave Jenkins
Copa landings Proficiency - June 2018 from Emily Miller on Vimeo.
The weather gods smiled on us for the June 23 landing proficiency exercises, and BBQ - as we had good weather and light winds for our big event of the summer - whereas the South River BBQ (38 miles south) was weathered out with rain and low ceilings.
The day started at Cooke’s hangar at the airport at 10:00 a.m. with safety briefing and landing rules spelled out by Bill Carswell. Photographers / judges Chad Miller, Kori Ibey, and Grant Bailey. Thanks to Kori (and son Cody) for providing vehicle, radio, & AVOP licence so judges and photographers could witness the landings at close quarters (not normally possible at a major airport). Members participating in the wheel landing proficiency were: Bill Carswell C-170, Marc Charron Bonanza, Ron Cooke C-182, Stan French Ercoupe, Mark Wilkins C-182. Landings were judged on accuracy of landing and style. Each aircraft made 3 landings and all were counted. It was close between the two Marc (k)s but - WINNER - Mark Wilkins. Individual best landing Bill Carswell.
At 3:00 Ivan Filion and Carol Cooke placed the markers for the water landing proficiency. 3:30 the safety briefing was held, and once again,Bill Carswell spelled out the rules. Judges were Carol Cooke, Ivan Filion and Jim Chappell. Members participating were: Ron Cooke J3 Cub, MJ Chappell C 172, Tom Fraser Citabria, Stan French C 172, Mark Wilkins PA 12. Landings were judged on closest touchdown between the balls. Each aircraft made 3 landings, and all were counted. Before announcing the winner, Carol commented “total of 15 landings, and 10 of those were within an aircraft length of landing between the balls”. Overall WINNER - Stan French. Individual best landing Ron Cooke. Bill Carswell commented it’s not about the competition, but individual pilots honing their skills, and just another reason to go flying! Thanks to Ivan Filion for trailering his boat from Sturgeon, and bringing the balls, lines and anchors and being so super organized.
Then it was time for socializing and dinner. Once again the chefs of Flight 23 outdid themselves with a luscious array of salads and desserts. The steaks (picked up from M and M by Bill Carswell) and cooked by Chad Miller were excellent. Marc and Cher Charron baked potatoes at home and they too were delicious. During dinner we watched the videos done by Chad Miller of the landings - lighting less than perfect, so we’ll have a replay at the next Flight meeting. After dinner, the A.G.M. was held and chaired by Captain Bill Carswell. (Minutes available elsewhere on website). Treasurer Luc Beauchamp was on hand throughout the afternoon to accept dues of any who hadn’t paid previously. Photographers Chad and Emily Miller, and Grant Bailey at both event sites were snapping pictures (and videotaping) and Charles will be making them available to see on the website. Thanks to Fred Culin for the use of the hangar and docks at Seaplane base.
All agreed it was a great day, and we’ll wait patiently till next year when we do it all again????
Submitted by Carol Cooke
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Wheel Landing Proficiency @ CYYB 23rd June 2018

Egress after ditching.
"You want to have the door cracked open if and when an engine quits, and practice the orient, move and locate technique.
Prior to water contact, make sure that the door is open before contacting the water. And you can do this by wedging something in the door before splashdown. If you don’t open the door in a water ditching, then water is going to have to leak into the cabin to equalize the hydrostatic pressure before the door can be opened. You’ll have to wait for the airplane to essentially fill up before you can leave. And you might be cool, but no one is that cool.
Additionally, for all over water flights, you'll want to practice the following technique: and it's called orient, move and locate.
This technique helps you orient yourself to the front of the airplane and the airplane’s door handle. And it’s an extremely important and useful technique if you become confused as to which way is up, down, in or out. You can practice it by sitting in the airplane and placing your right or left hand on your leg thigh located nearest the door. This is how you orient yourself to the airplane. Remember, your seatbelt is on here so you’re in the right or left seat facing forward. The next thing you do is to move your hand in 90-degree motions to locate the door handle. Move your hand from your knee, 90-degrees right or left to find the door. Then, move your hand 90-degrees upwards to locate the door handle.
This process helps you find the door in the water in pitch black conditions while the airplane is upright, tilted or even inverted. It’s a good procedure to remember.
And here's one more thing I'd like you to remember. Do not remove your seatbelt until whatever water is going to rush into the cockpit, has rushed into the cockpit. This prevents you from being swept to the back of the aircraft as water fills the cockpit. Ad
ditionally, do not remove that seatbelt until you have located the door handle."
( Author: Rod Machado )
South River Fly-In - May 11, 2018

Thanks to everyone for making this the best fly-in yet. I cooked 300 sausages so that means at least 100 breakfasts. We have had a few events with more people but none with as many planes. The free breakfast for arriving P.I.C.s was REALLY well received, we all had a great time with some wow and unique planes to drool over and we even made a profit, $315. The icing on the cake though, was how many aviators were introduced to our airport, and the number who said they would be back.
Once again thanks....Gary Blanchett
Each participant will be required to fly three solo circuits and carry out three landings
- First 2 landings to be touch and go with the 3rd landing a full stop
- If a go around (low approach) is required due to traffic, an additional circuit may be done
- the touchdown target ( the “SPOT”) will be determined according to the runway in use on the day of the event. The Spot will be approximately 1000 feet in from the approach end of the runway.
- any touchdown prior to the SPOT will be dubbed a short landing and awarded an automatic penalty of 500 points
- A touch down on any part of the SPOT will be assessed as a “bulls eye” and rate of zero score
- A touch down after the SPOT will be assessed a score of the distance calculated to be from the centre of the numbers i.e. landing 250 feet past the numbers will be scored as 250 points
- Only touchdowns considered to be reasonably good landings will be scored and intentional driving the aircraft on the runway to get a good score may be disqualified and awarded an automatic penalty of 500 points
- Each pilot will achieve his score by adding the total of the scoring for his 3 landings. I.E. 1st landing 300’ long, 2nd landing on the SPOT “0”, 3rd landing 450’long for a total score count of 750’.
- pilots will be scored on their aircraft’s final touchdown point, (so try not to bounce your aircraft)
- the lowest score wins
- Judges will have access to video review of landings to confirm measurements…
-all judges’ decisions are final.
Safety is all important and must take precedence over all else.
Good luck !!! and happy safe flying.
Final results and trophy presentations will be at the TROUT LAKE AIRBASE AFTER THE FLOAT PLANE EXERCISE